Rob Leech - Recruitment & Talent Lead

Rob Leech


Rob Leech is a talent consultant with experience working across technology and marketing recruitment.

Difference Maker Rob Leech works with teams to build hire and nurture robust talent teams, working with you as your talent partner for the longer term.

Rob collaborates with household industry names across financial services, technology and many of the top global media agencies.

How We Collaborate With Clients

Flexablity helps drive creativity it also let's us plugin to your business with a relationship that works for your needs and budgets. Our difference makers collaborate with teams on a fractional leadership, advisory, full time contracting or agency model.

Fractional Leadership

Looking for someone who can help steer the ship around a specific business or technical challenge? We may have the difference maker for you.

Business Advisory

Collaborating directly with leadership we enable teams we advise on everything from business strategy, to hiring and innovation.

Full Time Contracting

Our team can act as full time team members on the ground to deliver, achieve and accelerate your mission. No matter what you are looking to achieve.

Traditional Agency Model

Collaborating on specific what we like to call 'missions' to achieve results looking to deliver a high value outcome or we can be on a traditional retainer.


The Difference Group Logo

The DIfference Group - Strategy consultancy

Working with you to deliver the strategies that help you make a bigger difference by hitting your growth, marketing and sales goals.

Your trusted SEO, Content & media production Difference Makers. Enabling you to get access to trusted and reliable seo and content talent.

Going to market is hard. The KEEPERR method sets down an easy to follow GTM process to achieve and deliver repeatable results no matter your sector.